

A Hook that provides methods and state information related to the corresponding Node that manages the current component.

const { connectors, actions, ...collected } = useNode(collector);

Note: This hook can only be used within a User Component.



  • collector (node: Node) => Collected: A function that collects relevant state information from the corresponding Node. The component will re-render when the values returned by this function changes.


  • Object
    • id NodeId: Unique node identifier
    • related boolean: Identifies if the component is being used as related component
    • inNodeContext boolean: This is useful if you are designing a User Component that you also wish to be used as an ordinary React Component; this property helps to differentiate whether the component is being used as a User Component or not
    • connectors Object
      • connect (dom: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement: Specifies the DOM that represents the User Component
      • drag (dom: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement: Specifies the DOM that should be draggable
    • actions Object
      • setProp (props: Object, throttleRate?: number) => void: Manipulate the current component's props. Additionally, specify a throttleRate to throttle the changes recoded in history for undo/redo
      • setCustom (custom: Object, throttleRate?: number) => void: Manipulate the current component's custom properties. Additionally, specify a throttleRate to throttle the changes recoded in history for undo/redo
      • setHidden (bool: boolean) => void: Hide/show the current component
    • ...collected Collected: The collected values returned from the collector


Collecting state information

import cx from "classnames";
import { useNode } from "@webstencils/core";

const Example = () => {
  const { isHovered, amIBeingDragged } = useNode((node) => ({


  return (
    <div className={cx({
      "hovering" : isHovered,
      "dragged" : amIBeingDragged


Connectors must receive an HTML element which can be obtained via an element's ref.

Typically, you would want to chain the connect and drag connectors to the root element of your component. This way, users would be able to drag anywhere within the DOM to move the component.

const Example = () => {
  const { connectors: {connect, drag} } = useNode();

  return (
    <div ref={ref => connect(drag(ref))}>
      <div>Hi world</div>

Alternatively, you could place the drag connector in a child element too.

In the following example, we specified it on the a element. Now, users will need to drag the a element if they wish to move the component.

const Example = () => {
  const { connectors: {connect, drag} } = useNode();

  return (
    <div ref={connect}>
      <div>Hi world</div>
      <a ref={drag}>Drag me to move this component</a>

You could place the connectors on a React Component as well. However, the component must expose/forward its DOM in its ref

const CustomDragHandler = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    <a ref={ref}>Drag me to move this component</a>

const Example = () => {
  const { connectors: {connect, drag} } = useNode();

  return (
    <div ref={connect}>
      <div>Hi world</div>
      <CustomDragHandler ref={drag}>Drag me to move this component</CustomDragHandler>

Usage within child components

Since User Components are contextually bounded by the Node they are being managed by, useNode can be used anywhere within the component tree.

In the previous example, we didn't actually need to forward refs from CustomDragHandler since it's bounded by the same Node as its parent. Instead, we can just use the connectors from useNode directly.

const CustomDragHandler = () => {
  const {drag} = useNode();
    <a ref={drag}>Drag me to move this component</a>

const Example = () => {
  const { connectors: {connect} } = useNode();

  return (
    <div ref={connect}>
      <div>Hi world</div>
      <CustomDragHandler />

Manipulating state

const Example = ({enabled, text}) => {
  const { connectors: {connect, drag}, actions: {setProp} } = useNode();

  return (
    <div ref={connect}>
      <div>Hi world</div>
      <a ref={drag}>Drag me to move this component</a>
      <button onClick={e => {
        setProp(props => {
          props.enabled = !props.enabled;

      <input type="text" value={text} onChange={e => {
        setProp(props => {
          props.text =;
        }, 500);
      }} />